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Who will my editors be?

We have a roster of editors and will assign you the best editor for your story after a quick (free) assessment. We'll let you know before you sign any contract who your editors are so you can check out their profiles on our website!

How long will the editing take?

There are several factors in determining how long editing will take. Firstly your word count is important to note. Higher word count = longer editing time. On average, one style of editing (developmental for example) on an average length novel (75-100k words) takes around 4-6 weeks. After edits, we also recommend a 1 month period of self-editing, so if you have a package that has developmental editing, copy editing, and proofreading, it would take approximately 3 months for the editing with 2 self editing periods in between, so account for 5 months start to finish. 

Do you require a deposit?

Yes, we require a $500 USD deposit for all packages.

When do I have to make the rest of the payments?

50% of the package price is payable by the start date of the first editing (less the $500 deposit.) A further 25% is due by the completion date of the first editing, and the final 25% is due by the completion date of the second edit.

Do you accept payment plans?

Yes, but there are T&Cs to this. A $500 non-refundable deposit is due upon booking.
The rest of the payments can be split over however many payments you like, however, the conditions to this are:
* A 10% interest fee is added to each payment
* No part of the editing will be returned until a payment equal to the value of that editing has been made. For example, if your package contains 3 styles of editing and the developmental editing is equal to 60% of the overall cost, then 60% must be paid before the developmental edit is returned. 

Can I communicate with my editor directly?

Yes, absolutely! Each editor will personally introduce themselves to you via their own Stardust email address so you can track each edit and directly ask them any questions before, during, and after your edit. Your contract will also state the start and end dates of each of your edits. 

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Stardust Book Services is a safe-space company. We welcome writers from all walks of life, regardless of their identity.

Book Editing | Illustration | Cartography | Cover Design | Chapter Headers | Formatting | Self Publishing Services | Book Maps | Packager | Character Design 

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